All posts by Martín Otero

when elephants were the size of dogs and birds the size of giraffes

This post is about a topic which I find amazing : Evolution. In particular, how Evolution makes elephants evolve to become the size of a medium dog, and birds as tall as giraffes. This is not all, there are much more incredible animals like these. But, how did they get that size?

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The dinosaur preserved in amber

You probably have heard about dinosaurs, we think of them as massive animals which roamed around our earth in the distant past. However, not all dinosaurs where like this. This blog is about what can be considered the total opposite to those massive animals. This animal challenges the bee humming bird to the throne of smallest bird of all times while being a ferocious carnivore; and it was preserved in amber.

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How to look directly to the sun

Sometimes a solar eclipse happens and everyone comes and sees it. The problem is you can’t look directly to the sun because you could seriously injure your retina. In this article I am going to show you how to construct an apparatus which requires no lenses, you can do it in 5 minutes and permits you to look and take images of a solar eclipse or even the sun.

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The dallol

Dallol is one of the most amazing places in the world.It’s found in the Danakil desert in Etiopia. you can find thermal waters that can get to acidic levels of pH 0 which to give a rough idea is about the acidity of sulphuric acid. Temperatures can get to 60C degrees, but in this post we are going to talk about the formation of the incredible places you can find there. Continue reading The dallol

Proofing faradays law



In this experiment, a proof of Faraday’s EM induction Law is presented using two coils, one to generate a variable magnetic flow and a second one to show an the induced electric current. Faraday’s Law says that a variable magnetic field around a cable induces a current on it, and a variable electric field produces a magnetic field. In this experiment I used an Arduino programmable board to act as a variable frequency oscillator. A voltmeter was used to measure the induced voltage on the second coil and the relationship between voltage and frequency was obtained and shown to be the curve of a high-pass filter.

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