My Russian hamsters

I have two russian hamsters. Hamsters are nightly animals, that’s because they are most active during the night when their preys (small insects), are also active.

In the wild, these animals live in the straws of the russian Tundra, so they are specially adapted to undergo very low temperatures. They have a very dense and soft cape of fur to protect them from the cold of the Tundra.

In my case I fill the floor of their cage with wood shavings.


Russian hamsters eat small insects and animals such as worms or grasshoppers, but they also eat seeds or fruit, (they love broccoli). Hamsters are very good at climbing, and if you have one you should build a wood maze or a little house for it.

Hamsters are very good pets. As they are intelligent you can teach them some simple tricks. To teach tricks to animals is good because they entertain themselves.


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